Telmo Morato

Principal Investigator

Also known as T Morato, Morato, Telmo, Morato, T., Morato , T., Morato T. is a Principal Investigator in our team.

0000-0003-2393-4773 Telmo-Morato 8F11-C187-CC67

I am a Portuguese principal marine scientist at the Okeanos Research Unit of the University of the Azores. After completing a PhD degree in Resource Management and Environmental Studies at the University of British Columbia (Canada) and accepting a short-term position as Fisheries Scientist at the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (New Caledonia), I was awarded several research contracts with IMAR and the University of the Azores. Currently, I co-lead with Marina Carreiro-Silva the Azores Deep-sea Ecology research group aiming to advance the understanding of deep-sea ecosystems in a changing planet to inspire society and inform the sustainable management of the oceans.

Research Interest

Over the last years, I led several research projects and explorations that helped unveil new deep-sea species, communities, biotopes, and even new hydrothermal vents, but also unveiled the impacts of deep-sea fisheries on such ecosystems. I also co-lead the development of affordable camera systems to democratize deep-sea exploration and make it accessible to all. All the knowledge gained over the last decade has been transferred for improved ecosystem-based management and conservation of deep-sea ecosystems at regional, national, and international levels. I'm the sub-coordinator of the Okeanos research centre and has produced many scientific publications, participated as an international rapporteur for the UN World Ocean Assessment, the Global Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, and the FAO Deep-ocean climate change report. I'm a national delegate in the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, the Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic, among others.

MapGES 2024 RV Arquipélago
(We are@sea) MapGES 2024 MT Physeter
OceanX 2023
MapGES 2023 RV Arquipélago
MapGES 2023 MT Physeter
MapGES 2022
iMAR 2022
iMAR 2021
MapGES 2021
MapGES 2020
Greenpeace 2019
Terceira 2019
MapGES 2019
Blue Azores 2018

Publications 70
Fisheries Research 2024-02
First assessment of circle hooks as bycatch mitigation measure for deep-water sharks on longline fisheries
Ecological Indicators 2024-01
A simulation-based approach to assess the stability of marine food-webs and inform Good Environmental Status
Ocean & Coastal Management 2023-10
Systematic evaluation of a spatially explicit ecosystem model to inform area-based management in the deep-sea
PeerJ 2023-10
Towards a scientific community consensus on designating Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems from imagery
DOI 10.7717/peerj.16024
Science of The Total Environment 2023-08
Predicting the distribution and abundance of abandoned, lost or discarded fishing gear (ALDFG) in the deep sea of the Azores (North Atlantic)
Progress in Oceanography 2023-04
Tidal to decadal scale hydrodynamics at two contrasting cold-water coral sites in the Northeast Atlantic
ICES Journal of Marine Science 2023-04
Challenges in avoiding deep-water shark bycatch in Azorean hook-and-line fisheries
ICES Journal of Marine Science 2023-03
Co-designing a multidisciplinary deep-ocean observing programme at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in the Azores region: a blueprint for synergy in deep ocean research and conservation
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 2023-03
Spatial distributions, environmental drivers and co-existence patterns of key cold-water corals in the deep sea of the Azores (NE Atlantic)
Communications Earth & Environment 2023-01
A blueprint for integrating scientific approaches and international communities to assess basin-wide ocean ecosystem status
Frontiers in Marine Science 2022-10
Mechanical and toxicological effects of deep-sea mining sediment plumes on a habitat-forming cold-water octocoral
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 2022-07
Variability of deep-sea megabenthic assemblages along the western pathway of the Mediterranean outflow water
Frontiers in Marine Science 2022-07
Modelling the Dispersion of Seafloor Massive Sulphide Mining Plumes in the Mid Atlantic Ridge Around the Azores
Marine Ecology Progress Series 2022-04
Benthic O2 uptake by coral gardens at the Condor seamount (Azores)
DOI 10.3354/meps14021
Marine Policy 2022-04
Assessment of scientific gaps related to the effective environmental management of deep-seabed mining
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 2022-04
Distribution models of deep-sea elasmobranchs in the Azores, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, to inform spatial planning
Zoo Biology 2022-02
(Very) long‐term transport of Silurus glanis, Charcharhinus melanopterus, Scomber colias, Trachurus picturatus, Polyprion americanus, Rhinoptera marmoratus, Salmo salar, Scomber scombrus, Sardina pilchardus, and others, by land, water and air
DOI 10.1002/zoo.21684
Ecology and Evolution 2021-11
Dense cold-water coral garden of Paragorgia johnsoni suggests the importance of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge for deep-sea biodiversity
DOI 10.1002/ece3.8319
Frontiers in Marine Science 2021-10
Where Is More Important Than How in Coastal and Marine Ecosystems Restoration
Frontiers in Marine Science 2021-09
Active Ecological Restoration of Cold-Water Corals: Techniques, Challenges, Costs and Future Directions
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 2021-08
A cost-effective video system for a rapid appraisal of deep-sea benthic habitats: The Azor drift-cam
Frontiers in Marine Science 2021-06
Systematic Conservation Planning at an Ocean Basin Scale: Identifying a Viable Network of Deep-Sea Protected Areas in the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean
Frontiers in Marine Science 2021-03
North Atlantic Basin-Scale Multi-Criteria Assessment Database to Inform Effective Management and Protection of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 2021-01
Environmental Protection Requires Accurate Application of Scientific Evidence
Frontiers in Marine Science 2020-10
Editorial: The Azores Marine Ecosystem: An Open Window Into North Atlantic Open Ocean and Deep-Sea Environments
Global Change Biology 2020-09
Climate change considerations are fundamental to management of deep-sea resource extraction
DOI 10.1111/GCB.15223
Frontiers in Marine Science 2020-04
Habitat Features and Their Influence on the Restoration Potential of Marine Habitats in Europe
Frontiers in Marine Science 2020-04
Influence of Water Masses on the Biodiversity and Biogeography of Deep-Sea Benthic Ecosystems in the North Atlantic
Global Change Biology 2020-04
Climate-induced changes in the suitable habitat of cold-water corals and commercially important deep-sea fishes in the North Atlantic
DOI 10.1111/GCB.14996
Frontiers in Marine Science 2020-01
The Azores: A Mid-Atlantic Hotspot for Marine Megafauna Research and Conservation
Frontiers in Marine Science 2019-12
Ocean Circulation Over North Atlantic Underwater Features in the Path of the Mediterranean Outflow Water: The Ormonde and Formigas Seamounts, and the Gazul Mud Volcano
PLOS ONE 2019-12
A framework for the development of a global standardised marine taxon reference image database (SMarTaR-ID) to support image-based analyses
Aquaculture 2019-01
The effect of rapid decompression on barotrauma and survival rate in swallowtail seaperch (Anthias anthias): Defining protocols for mitigating surfacing mortality
ICAART 2019 - Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence 2019
SimSea: A multiagent architecture for fishing activity in a simulated environment
Frontiers in Marine Science 2018-12
A Multi Criteria Assessment Method for Identifying Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems in the North-East Atlantic
Frontiers in Marine Science 2018-12
Potential Mitigation and Restoration Actions in Ecosystems Impacted by Seabed Mining
Marine Policy 2018-12
Human activities and resultant pressures on key European marine habitats: An analysis of mapped resources
Journal of Sea Research 2018-08
Effects of marine protected areas on coastal fishes across the Azores archipelago, mid-North Atlantic
Science Advances 2018-07
A strategy for the conservation of biodiversity on mid-ocean ridges from deep-sea mining
Environmental Biology of Fishes 2018-04
Capture, husbandry and long-term transport of pilotfish, Naucrates ductor (Linnaeus, 1758), by sea, land and air
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 2017-11
Predictive modeling of deep-sea fish distribution in the Azores
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 2017-11
Cold-water corals and large hydrozoans provide essential fish habitat for Lappanella fasciata and Benthocometes robustus
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 2017-08
A global biogeographic classification of the mesopelagic zone
Marine Biology 2017-04
Development of a sensitive detection method to survey pelagic biodiversity using eDNA and quantitative PCR: a case study of devil ray at seamounts
Frontiers in Marine Science 2017-03
Overview of the Ocean Climatology and Its Variability in the Azores Region of the North Atlantic Including Environmental Characteristics at the Seabed
Fish and Fisheries 2016-12
A perspective on the importance of oceanic fronts in promoting aggregation of visitors to seamounts
DOI 10.1111/FAF.12126
Royal Society Open Science 2016-02
Historical gene flow constraints in a northeastern Atlantic fish: phylogeography of the ballan wrasse Labrus bergylta across its distribution range
DOI 10.1098/RSOS.160773
Frontiers in Marine Science 2016
Food-Web and Ecosystem Structure of the Open-Ocean and Deep-Sea Environments of the Azores, NE Atlantic
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 2015-02
The importance of deep-sea vulnerable marine ecosystems for demersal fish in the Azores
Biological Conservation 2014-05
A global assessment of seamount ecosystems knowledge using an ecosystem evaluation framework
Scientific Reports 2014-04
Deep-water longline fishing has reduced impact on Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems
DOI 10.1038/srep04837
Journal of Fish Biology 2013-08
New and rare coastal fishes in the Azores islands: occasional events or tropicalization process?
DOI 10.1111/JFB.12162
ICES Journal of Marine Science 2013-04
Total marine fishery catch for the Azores (1950–2010)
ICES Journal of Marine Science 2011-01
Experimental fisheries for black scabbardfish (Aphanopus carbo) in the Azores, Northeast Atlantic

Departamento de Oceanografia e Pescas

Rua Prof. Doutor Frederico Machado, 4

9901-862 Horta, Portugal

Azores Deep-sea Research

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AZORES DEEP-SEA RESEARCH © 2020-2025 Developed by Valter Medeiros © IMAR/OKEANOS-UAc