Summary Show more ↓

MapGES was built closely linked with the Horizon 2020 ATLAS project and envisioned to bring together existing and new biodiversity data and results from recent analysis of the dynamics of the North Atlantic to deepen the understanding of the biodiversity and biogeographic patterns of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems (VMEs) indicator taxa and key deep-sea fish species in the Azores and forecast changes under future scenarios of water mass structure and ocean currents. With MapGES, we anticipated this new understanding will improve the application of indicators of Good Environmental Status (GES) relevant to the Azores ecosystems for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) and its constituent descriptors.

Accomplished missions by MapGES
OceanX 2023 MapGES 2023 MT Physeter MapGES 2023 RV Arquipélago
Project reference


Funding agency

PO Açores 2020, European Regional Development Fund (ERDF / FEDER)

Time period

01/09/2016 to 31/12/2019

Involved team members
Marina Carreiro-Silva
Senior Scientist
Luís Rodrigues
Senior Scientist
Manuela Ramos
Carlos Dominguez-Carrió
Early-career Researcher
Telmo Morato
Principal Investigator

Group's role

We lead the MapGES project, all the workpackages, and the outreach activities.

Main Results Show more ↓
MapGES contributed with baseline data, new analyses and information to the priority thematic area Fisheries and Oceans, mostly to positioning the Azores in the centre of the deep-sea marine research, knowledge transfer, resources management and governance. MapGES contributed to more than ten areas of action within the RIS3 Azores framework and contributed new data to inform the implementation of several political agendas. For example, MapGES contributed with data-driven spatial systematic conservation planning scenarios to inform marine spatial planning processes in the Azores, and therefore contributing to the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. MapGES also contributed a significant amount of scientific knowledge on Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems in support of the implementation of protection measures that will have an important impact in terms of fisheries regulations and sustainable exploitation of the Azores' fishing grounds. MapGES was built closely linked with the Horizon 2020 ATLAS project and, therefore, shared many of the main results.

Related cruises
OceanX 2023 MapGES 2023 MT Physeter MapGES 2023 RV Arquipélago

Departamento de Oceanografia e Pescas

Rua Prof. Doutor Frederico Machado, 4

9901-862 Horta, Portugal

Azores Deep-sea Research

Contact us
AZORES DEEP-SEA RESEARCH © 2020-2025 Developed by Valter Medeiros © IMAR/OKEANOS-UAc