PROJECTS / iAtlantic

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iAtlantic aims to deliver knowledge that is critical for responsible and sustainable management of Atlantic Ocean resources in an era of unprecedented global change. Involving marine scientists from countries bordering the north and south Atlantic Ocean, this ambitious project will determine the resilience of deep-sea animals – and their habitats – to threats such as temperature rise, pollution and human activities. iAtlantic is undertaking an ocean-wide approach to understanding the factors that control the distribution, stability and vulnerability of deep-sea ecosystems. Work spans the full scale of the Atlantic basin, from the tip of Argentina in the south to Iceland in the north, and from the east coasts of USA and Brazil to the Azores and the western margins of Europe and Africa. Central to the project’s success is the international collaboration between scientists throughout the Atlantic region, with sharing of expertise, equipment, infrastructure, data and personnel placed at the forefront of iAtlantic’s approach.

Accomplished missions by iAtlantic
MapGES 2023 MT Physeter OceanX 2023 MapGES 2023 RV Arquipélago iMAR 2022 MapGES 2021 MapGES 2020
Project reference

818123 (iAtlantic)

Funding agency

European Union’s Horizon 2020

Time period

01/06/2019 to 30/11/2023

External website

Involved team members
Marina Carreiro-Silva
Principal Investigator
Luís Rodrigues
Senior Scientist
Manuela Ramos
Inês Carneiro
Research Assistant
Guilherme Gonçalves
Research Assistant
Carlos Dominguez-Carrió
Early-career Researcher
Telmo Morato
Principal Investigator

Ana Colaço Inês Martins Laurence Fauconnet Jorge Fontes Gerald Taranto Sérgio Gomes Maria Rakka Jordi Blasco António Godinho Mariana Cruz

Group's role

We lead the iAtlantic WP5 Spatial and Temporal Management and Protection and the case study #3 Azores, and will co-lead WP4 Impact of Multiple Stressors through experimentation with vent fauna and cold-water corals in aquaria. We will also contribute to regional habitat characterization and mapping (WP2) and to knowledge transfer (WP6).

Related cruises
iMAR 2022 MapGES 2020 MapGES 2023 MT Physeter OceanX 2023 MapGES 2023 RV Arquipélago MapGES 2021
iAtlantic Gallery

Departamento de Oceanografia e Pescas

Rua Prof. Doutor Frederico Machado, 4

9901-862 Horta, Portugal

Azores Deep-sea Research

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AZORES DEEP-SEA RESEARCH © 2020-2025 Developed by Valter Medeiros © IMAR/OKEANOS-UAc