PROJECTS / DeepWalls

Summary Show more ↓

The Azores region harbours an array of large geomorphological features including ridges, seamounts, plateaus and abyssal plains. This complex topography hosts a variety of small-scale variations, including underwater cliffs (or vertical walls) and overhangs that create distinct habitats in the region. Characterizing their geomorphology and benthic community composition requires a feat of technology in order to navigate these complex terrains to collect data. Since most of these walls are still unexplored, many important questions remain unanswered: How much heterogeneity do vertical walls introduce into the environment at small scales? How widespread are they? Can we predict their location? Do vertical walls support unique assemblages of megabenthic species? Can these habitats be used to determine baselines for Good Environmental Status? ¡

Project reference


Funding agency

Operational Program for the Azores 2020 (PO Açores 2020), European Regional Development Fund (ERDF / FEDER)

Time period

01/05/2019 to 30/06/2023

Involved team members
Marina Carreiro-Silva
Principal Investigator
Carlos Dominguez-Carrió
Early-career Researcher
Telmo Morato
Principal Investigator

David Price Inês Bruno Jorge Fontes Eva Giacomello Timm Schoening

Main Results Show more ↓
DeepWalls utilises advanced imaging technology and software processing to achieve the projects objectives. We have demonstrated that vertical walls host an abundance of life, including important reef-forming, and habitat-building cold-water coral species. Glass sponges and reef-building scleractinian corals were found on the vertical walls, which provide a 3D skeletal framework that increases the structural complexity of the habitat and likely enhances biodiversity at the local scale. Large black corals were observed, protruding over a metre from the walls, providing habitat for abundant associated fauna. We have utilised innovative and complex computer algorithms to quantify the wall in 3D images, observing a plethora of geomorphic features, which contribute to generate a rich and heterogeneous habitat.

DeepWalls Gallery

Departamento de Oceanografia e Pescas

Rua Prof. Doutor Frederico Machado, 4

9901-862 Horta, Portugal

Azores Deep-sea Research

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AZORES DEEP-SEA RESEARCH © 2020-2025 Developed by Valter Medeiros © IMAR/OKEANOS-UAc