Also known as M Carreiro-Silva, M. Carreiro-Silva is a Senior Scientist in our team.
I am a marine ecologist specialized on coral ecosystems working as an senior scientist at OKEANOS, University of the Azores. I hold a PhD degree in Marine, Estuarine and Environmental Sciences at the University of Maryland (USA). After studying tropical coral reefs in my early career, in 2007, I joined a multidisciplinary team at IMAR and OKEANOS engaged in the study of deep-sea ecosystems. To advance the team’s research competencies, I have conceived and installed a laboratory for the experimentation with cold-water corals, DeepSeaLab. I currently co-lead with Telmo Morato the Azores Deep-sea Ecology research group.
My current research focuses on the study of the diversity, spatial distribution, and functioning of cold-water corals, linking those with their ecophysiological responses to climate change and human activities under ex-situ experimental conditions. I have also been dedicated in translating these research outputs into policy advice for the protection of deep-sea vulnerable marine ecosystems by working closely with the Regional Government of the Azores and through international deep-sea working groups, e.g. DOSI, DOOS, ICES WGDEC. I participated in several national and international research projects (H2020, FCT, PO Açores) on cold-water coral ecosystems as a PI or team member.
Departamento de Oceanografia e Pescas
Rua Prof. Doutor Frederico Machado, 4
9901-862 Horta, Portugal