Also known as L. Fauconnet is a Early-career Researcher in our team.
I am a French marine scientist at the Okeanos Research Unit of the University of the Azores. I studied fisheries sciences and marine ecology, option "Aquatic Resources and Ecosystems" in Agrocampus Ouest (France) and undertook my Master Thesis "Global overview of the status of shark fisheries and management" in the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (USA). I obtained my Diploma of Advanced Agronomy (equivalent Master 2) from Agrocampus Ouest in 2009. After a work experience of 18 months as applied statistician at IFREMER in Nantes (France), I pursued in the same IFREMER’s team my PhD in Marine Ecology and Fisheries Sciences "Detailed and empirical characterization of catch: contribution to the ecosystemic approach of fisheries", that I completed in 2014. Since 2016, I have integrated the Department of Oceanography and Fisheries in Okeanos, University of Azores / IMAR (Portugal), where I worked on the EU H2020 DiscardLess and ATLAS projects. Since 2020, I am Principal Investigator of the project SOS TubaProf on deep-water shark bycatch.
My research activity focuses on marine ecology applied to fisheries. My research applies the ecosystem approach to fisheries management, in particular to address questions related to fishing selectivity, bycatch and discard. It applies, among others, to the bycatch of vulnerable species, in particular of elasmobranch species. Within my research, I seek a wide knowledge transfer to different stakeholders, in particular fishers, but also the general public. Since I am working in the Azores, my research has mostly focused on deep-sea fisheries, species and ecosystems, contributing to studies aiming at improved knowledge on the deep sea and science-based advice for management of deep-sea fisheries. Within Okeanos group, I have, among others, quantified discard amounts, analysed VMS data to map fishing effort, and studied bycatch mitigation measures, with a focus on deep-water sharks.
Departamento de Oceanografia e Pescas
Rua Prof. Doutor Frederico Machado, 4
9901-862 Horta, Portugal