CRUISES / Terceira 2021
RV Pelagia cruise 64PE488: Terceira Island 2021
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The continuation of the long-lasting collaboration with scientists from the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ). This was the fourth time deep-sea scientists from IMAR Instituto do Mar and Okeanos University of the Azores joined Fleur Visser cruises. The RV Pelagia cruise 64PE488 aimed to continue exploring the deep-sea areas of the Azores EEZ, namely in the southern Terceira island slopes and deep ridges, to (i) characterize benthic communities inhabiting seamounts in the Azores, such as São Jorge de Fora seamount, (ii) identify new areas that fit the FAO Vulnerable Marine Ecosystem criteria; and (iii) to contribute with additional data to address patterns and drivers of the distribution of deep-sea benthic biodiversity in the Azores region.

0 km
Multibeam Bathymetry
0 km²
Filmed Seabed
0 km
Visited Areas
Video Footage Recorded
7 hours
Used Storage
2.8 Tb
No samples were collected for our group

  1. Video transects enabled documentation of the deep bottom communities inhabiting flat sedimentary areas covered with mud and sand, characterised by the presence of burrowing organisms (“Lebensspuren”) and sparse mobile and sessile deep-sea fauna.
  2. The small ridges around Serreta, in Terceira Island, revealed highly diverse and dense coral garden composed of long-lived antipatharian such as Leiopathes expansa, Antipathes spp. and Bathypathes sp.
Scientific Crew
Manuela Ramos
Early-career Researcher

Telmo Morato Carlos Dominguez-Carrió Marina Carreiro-Silva Fleur Visser (PI of the cruise) Marie Guilpin Miguel Guerreiro Bruce Thayre

Location of operation

Western Terceira Island (Azores EEZ)

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Leg Period Days at sea Vessel Departure Return
1 04/06/2021 - 10/06/2021 7 RV Pelagia Praia da Vitória Praia da Vitória
A total of 7 days at sea
Video Survey (NIOZ Hopper towed-camera)

Departamento de Oceanografia e Pescas

Rua Prof. Doutor Frederico Machado, 4

9901-862 Horta, Portugal

Azores Deep-sea Research

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